Remembering Her Beloved
A former watercolor student reached out to me last fall with a special request. Her beloved husband had passed away and she wanted me to create a watercolor painting in remembrance of him. Here’s the story behind the painting. . .
Capturing Memories
This recent commission was such a fun challenge! In some ways, it was a home portrait— but in other ways it wasn’t. It was much more. . . :-)
Rest For a Frozen Heart
Stepping out into the frigid afternoon, this caught my eye while on the way to retrieve our mail…
Confession: I’ve been in a season of sadness since my sisters and I had to call in Hospice care for my Mama recently.
Amidst the sadness of her declining health, I’ve been pondering the many, many things I have to thank the LORD for in this season. This list poured out on to paper this morning:
A Royal Response
Last week the world bid farewell to Queen Elizabeth of England. Did you watch her funeral service? I did and was moved by its beauty and elegance and Christ-centeredness.
The Beauty of Margin
The beautiful state of Tennessee was the backdrop of one of my best ever retreat experiences recently. What made this particular weekend so special? These sweet girls remembered to include the white space- the beautiful balance of activity with rest.
Mesmerizing Monet (Go See It!)
From a distance, you can make out scenes and objects, but up close, the strokes and colors of Monet’s choosing appear pretty chaotic. It’s a visual reminder that the LORD, my Master Artist, is at work on the masterpiece of my life.
Sometimes my view of the big picture may look jumbled and crazy, but I can trust He is always up to something good.
An Unexpected Blessing
I was absolutely floored to receive a request from the Texas Governor’s Office recently. The administrator of the Governor’s Mansion told me Governor Abbott wanted to use my watercolor of the Governor’s Mansion on their official stationery.
There's No Place Like Home
Helping people capture life memories of home is one of the great joys in my life. For me, home was where I first learned about the world. It was a safe cocoon where I was nurtured with generous love and good food by great people. Home set the stage for who I am today.
Starving The Stress Monster
Do you know someone who struggles under the weight of stress? This may help…
Sometimes I picture my emotional stress as a voracious animal. He’s fed by my thoughts. When I mull over regrets and guilt from the past or dwell on imagined fears of the unknown out in the future, this evil beast not only survives, but thrives.
Do You Glow Like Stained Glass?
Here’s a true confession: Lots of times I have squealed, “LORD, GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!” the minute that life gets tough.
The beauty of stained glass reminds me to cry out, “LORD, please shine Your light through me- like light through stained glass- during this tough time,” instead.
Aquabord Adventure
We had an Aquabord adventure! The cool thing is these watercolors need no glass over them!