Book Debbie
“Watching you paint as you were speaking gave me new insight into God’s word” is a phrase heard frequently from Debbie’s audiences after watching a watercolor unfold before their eyes— while hearing biblical truth with their ears.
Because the Bible has the power to strengthen and soothe a woman’s soul, Debbie’s most popular topics are all designed to help women savor Scripture.
Her presentations equip women to live Proverbs 14:1 which says, “A wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears it down.”
Available Packages
Single Session (1 presentation)
One Day Seminar (2 Presentations)
Two Day Seminar (3 Presentations)
Three Day Seminar (4 Presentations)
Custom Designed
Each Package includes…
Debbie’s keynote art-talk(s)
Downloadable materials for conference promotion
Downloadable conference handouts customized for your group
Support and consultation in conference planning
Resource Table
Downloadable Wisdom In Watercolor Prayer Guide
Memorable door prize- the painting Debbie creates while speaking!
Ready to take the next step?
Hear Debbie Speak
Perhaps the single presentation, one day seminar, or two day seminar/retreat are not what your group needs. If you are searching for something different, tailored specifically for your group, Debbie can help. She can creatively work with you to custom design a Wisdom In Watercolor presentation for your unique situation!
These are great for events such as. . .
Writer’s Conferences
Artist’s Conferences
Educator Groups
Breakout Sessions
Prayer Gatherings
Missions Conferences
Simply describe your event in the form below and we will contact you regarding your custom designed event.

“She spoke to a group of ladies in our church about Focusing on Christ. Debbie was able to weave Biblical truths with every day examples to give new insight on the ability to spend personal time with Jesus Christ. Attending our conference were women between the ‘new mom’ age and the ‘great grandmother’ age. She received positive response from all generations represented. Debbie Hannah Skinner is a talented, awesome artist. She demonstrated her technique with watercolor as she spoke to our hearts, blending colors while helping us to understand the importance of having an intimate relationship with our Savior. Our women were very blessed to have an opportunity to spend a day with Debbie.”
- Jessica Curbello, Womens Ministry Committee Indiana Avenue Baptist, Lubbock, Texas
“If you haven’t heard Debbie deliver a message based on God’s word, you have a surprise in store.”
“I sat spellbound as she brought life, light and humor to stories I thought I already knew. Don’t miss Debbie.”
- The late Florence Littauer
“Debbie brought to our women’s weekend an understanding of Ruth’s kindness to Naomi as she walked through bitterness.”
“Debbie’s sweet spirit and willingness to work with our group of ladies is critical to planning. We are so glad Debbie came to the Four Corners! And we loved her unique style of watercolor as she shared God’s Word.”
- Cindy Hamilton, Conference Coordinator, Tapestry for Life, New Mexico
Debbie Hannah Skinner speaking at an event
Frequently Requested
Click the topics below to learn more about each topic.
Theme Scripture: Matthew 6:6
With so much information, yet so little wisdom around us, how can a woman make her way wisely through the information age in which we live? Debbie points you to the provision God has given to make us wise women: Jesus Christ, “the wisdom of God” (1 Corinthians 1:24). In connecting with Him, we become wise women who build up others as we go about life. In Debbie’s signature message, she helps women find ways to: Build up your most important relationships. Embrace your imperfections as instruments of growing in wisdom. Find and pass on encouragement you discover in Scripture.
Theme Scripture: Philippians 4:11-12 Amidst our affluent culture, many women still thirst for contentment and satisfaction. But, there is only one way to find deep, soul-quenching fulfillment, and that's through Jesus Christ. In this presentation, Debbie shares her struggle with discontent and how to recognize your own sources of dissatisfaction. She points you to Paul’s message in Philippians of finding contentment in Christ. Debbie will help you satisfy your thirst with Living Water as you learn to: Renew your desire to seek God’s wisdom in Scripture. Express contentment that creates a calming effect in your home. Prevent discontentment from choking your relationships.
Theme Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30 Many women today are beyond busy. They’re feeling frazzled, frenzied, and even forgotten. There’s a need for rest in the midst of this chaos, an oasis in the desert of busyness. In this presentation, Debbie helps women create a personal oasis with Christ, resting in His invitation to “come unto Me” found in Matthew 11. Women learn ways to: Experience soul rest in your home nest. Feel a deeper sense of God’s love and forgiveness. Soothe your busy mind by reflecting on Biblical truth. Reconnect with God when He feels distant. Make more room for God as you go about your daily routine.
Theme Scriptures: Psalm 139; Ephesians 1:10 Do you ever wonder what role God plays in your circumstances? Debbie encourages women to see how the hand of the Master Artist, Jesus Christ, is at work in the little details and broad brushstrokes of your life. Experience a visual presentation that will leave you with a renewed perspective on how to: Apply Biblical truth to enhance your creative endeavors. Revel in the one-of-a-kind way God is working through your life. Revive creative passions woven into you from birth. Express your creativity in new ways – even if you’re not an artist.
Theme Scripture: Hebrews 12:2-3 You can’t control all of your life circumstances, but you can choose where you look in the midst of them. Debbie shares her struggle with SADD (spiritual attention deficit disorder) and the choices we can make to keep Christ as the focal point of our lives. Based on the call to “fix our eyes on Jesus” from Hebrews 11, Debbie teaches her “Sunflower Principle” in this seminar which often helps women feel a new freedom to: Rekindle the joy in your relationship with Jesus. Make decisions that lead to strength and hope. Avoid burn out by refocusing on Christ. Refresh your hope through tough times.
Theme Scripture: Selected verses from Psalm 119; James 1:5 Have you ever made a stupid decision and asked afterwards, “What was I thinking?” All women have a need for solid, biblical wisdom to make wise decisions in their personal and professional lives. This kind of insight is not found in following rules, but in a relationship with God revealed through Scripture. Join Debbie as she guides you in an exploration of Psalm 119, giving you a renewed ability to: Build-up your family as you grow in your relationship with Christ. Base decisions on the power of the Bible. Turn to Scripture for wisdom when making personal and professional choices. See how ancient Psalms can refresh your current relationship with Christ.
Theme Scripture: John 3:16 A simple request from a family member forever changed the way Debbie approaches Christmas. It moved her from thinking “all about me” through the holidays, to thinking "more of Jesus." Likewise, you’ll be inspired to make giving in honor of Jesus a focal point of your Christmas preparations, and possibly create a legacy of generosity in your family in the process. This presentation will help you: Motivate your children and grandchildren to give to those in need. Draw your family members to see the needs of others. Deepen a spirit of generosity and joy in your family. Give meaningful presents that won’t break your budget.

Book Debbie
If you have questions or want to book Debbie to speak at your church or event, please fill out the form and she will get in touch with you shortly.