A Royal Response
Last week the world bid farewell to Queen Elizabeth of England.
Did you watch her funeral service? I did and was moved by its beauty and elegance and Christ-centeredness.
The grace and dignity with which she led her people and lived out her Christian faith is something I had long admired. She lost her beloved husband Phillip last year and I read she was under the weather last winter, so one day last spring I thought, “I’m just gong to sit down and write her a note to tell her how much I appreciate her!”
I wanted to tell you about the note I sent and a totally unexpected response I received in return…
Now, I’ve known several homecoming and pageant queens over the years, but never in all my born days have I ever met a real queen so I probably broke every rule of royal writing etiquette with my handwritten note..
One of my thank you cards seemed appropriate to use as I simply told Queen Elizabeth how much this grandmother in west Texas appreciated the grace and dignity she has shown over the years as she led her country.
I thanked her for how she lived out her faith in Jesus Christ as a world leader and told her how much her colorful coordinating outfits and hats made me smile. :-)
I even included a little happy face :-) as I told her to get well soon. (I imagine that alone broke every last bit of royal writing etiquette required for Her Royal Highness.)
A quick trip to the post office was needed to buy a special stamp to be sure the note would make it all the way “across the pond.”
Once signed and sealed, I popped the letter into the mail in mid-April.
The lovely response from her Lady-in-Waiting…
About three months later, I reached into my mailbox one warm June afternoon and was puzzled to find a letter with AIR MAIL printed on the front. As I opened it, I was full blown FLABBERGASTED to realize it was from Windsor Castle.
The letter was signed by Philippa de Pass, a lady-in-waiting for Queen Elizabeth. It was a thank you note for my thank you note.
(You can see some of the note in the photo.)
With Queen Elizabeths passing this past month, I’m so, so glad I took the time to write.
1- If I appreciate someone, let them know. Even if they sit in a high position of service, they are still a human being and need encouragement. Take the time. Write the note.
2- There’s no guarantee I’ll hear back from somebody, but do it anyway. I’ve written other people in high places over the years and didn’t hear a peep back from them. The letter from Windsor Castle is something I’ll hang on to for a long time but I will keep writing people anyway, with no expectation of a response..
3- Remember to tell the LORD how much I appreciate Him. Why? He hears. I was moved by the letter from England because it let me know my words had been heard. Guess what? Even if He never sends me a physical note in return, I can cling to the PROMISE the LORD always hears my voice.
“ I love the LORD, for He has heard my voice—my appeal for mercy.
2 Because He has inclined His ear to me,
I will call on Him as long as I live.”